
  • Palencia, S.L., García, A. & Palencia, M. Mid-Infrared Vibrational Spectrum Characterization of the Outer Surface of Candida albicans by Functionally Enhanced Derivative Spectroscopy. J Appl Spectrosc 88, 166–180 (2021).

  • Palencia S.L., García A., Palencia M. MID-INFRARED VIBRATIONAL SPECTRUM CHARACTERIZATION OF THE OUTER SURFACE OF Candida albicans BY FUNCTIONALLY ENHANCED DERIVATIVE SPECTROSCOPY. Zhurnal Prikladnoii Spektroskopii. 2021;88(1):167(1)-167(15).

  • M. PALENCIA, A. CORDOBA, B. L. RIVAS, Concentration-Polarization effect of poly(sodium styrene sulfonate) on size distribution of colloidal silver nanoparticles during diafiltration experiments, Colloid Polym Sci 292 619-626 (2014).

  • M. PALENCIA, M. VERA, E. COMBATT, Polymer networks based in (4-vinylbenzyl)-N-methyl-D-Glucamine suppourted on microporous polypropylene layers with retention boron capacity, J. Appl Polym Sci.

  • M. PALENCIA, B. L. RIVAS, H. VALLE, Size separation of silver nanoparticles by dead-edultrafiltration: Description of fouling mechanism by pore blocking model, J. Membr Sci 455 7-14 (2014).

  • M. PALENCIA, M. VERA, B. L. RIVAS, Modification of Ultrafiltration via membranes interpenetrating polymer networks for removal of boron from aqueous solution, J. Membr Sci 466 , 192-199 (2014).

  • M. F. MELENDREZ, G. CÁRDENAS, M. PALENCIA, Colloidal germanium nanoparticles and nanocubes synthesized by chemical liquid deposition, Adv. Sci. Lett. 4, 1936-6612 (2011).

  • B. L. RIVAS, M. PALENCIA, Metal-ion retention properties of water-soluble amphiphilic block copolymer in double emulsion systems (w/o/w) stabilized by non-ionic surfactants, J. Colloid Interf. Sci. 363, 682-689 (2011).

  • B. L. RIVAS, M. PALENCIA, Removal-concentration of pollutant metal-ions by water-soluble polymers in conjunction with double emulsion systems: A new hybrid method of membrane-based separation, Sep. Purif. Technol. 81, 435-443 (2011).

  • M. PALENCIA, B. L. RIVAS, E. PEREIRA, Adsorption of linear polymers with carboxylic groups on polyethersulfone membranes: Contribution of divalent counterions, J. Membr. Sci. 372, 355-365 (2011).

  • B. L. RIVAS, E. PEREIRA, M. PALENCIA, J. SÁNCHEZ, Water soluble functional polymers in conjunction with membranes to remove pollutant ions from aqueous solution, Prog. Polym. Sci. 36, 294-322 (2011).

  • M. PALENCIA, B. L. RIVAS, E. PEREIRA, A. ARRIETA, Polyelectrolyte adsorption study on polyethersulfone membrane during polymer enhanced ultrafiltration by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, Polym. Bull. 65, 145-156 (2010).

  • M. PALENCIA, B. L. RIVAS, E. PEREIRA, Divalent metal ion distribution around linear polyelectrolyte chains by continuous diafiltration: Comparison of counterion condensation cell models, Polym. Intern. 59, 1542-1549 (2010).

  • M. PALENCIA, B. L. RIVAS, E. PEREIRA, Polymer-enhanced ultrafiltration: counterion distribution and its relation with the divalent metal-ion retention properties by sulfonic acid polyelectrolytes, Polym. Bull. 67, 1123-1138 (2011).

  • B. L. RIVAS, M. PALENCIA, Metal-ion retention by emulsion liquid membrane coupled to liquid-phase polymer-based retention, Polym. Sci. 289, 1695-170 (2011).

  • M. PALENCIA, B. L. RIVAS, Adsorption of linear polymers on polyethersulfone membranes: Contribution of divalent counterions on modifying of hydrophilic-lipophilic balance of polyelectrolyte chain, J. Membr. Sci. 372, 355-365 (2011).

  • M. PALENCIA, B. L. RIVAS, E. PEREIRA, Metal ion recovery by polymer-enhanced ultrafiltration using poly(vinyl sulfonic acid): Fouling description and membrane-metal ion interaction, J. Membr. Sci. 345, 191-200 (2009).

  • M. PALENCIA, B. L. RIVAS, E. PEREIRA, A. HERNÁNDEZ, P. PRÁDANOS, Study of polymer-metal ion-membrane interactions in liquid phase polymer-based retention (LPR) by continuous diafiltration, J. Membr. Sci. 336, 128-139 (2009)

  • M. PALENCIA, S. Y. MARTÍNEZ, E. M. COMBATT, Generación de acidez por oxidacion de pirita en suelos sulfatados ácidos interiores de clima cálido, Temas Agrarios., 13, 32-39 (2008).

  • M. PALENCIA, S. Y. MARTÍNEZ, E. M. COMBATT, Estandarización de la Técnica de AFLPs, para la Caracterización de Germoplasma de Caña flecha (Gynerium sagittatum Aubl.), Temas Agrarios., 14, 32-39 (2009)